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Eye Donation

What is an eye bank?

An eye bank is an organization, which obtain, evaluates and distributes eyes from humanitarian-minded citizens for use in corneal transplantation, research and education. To ensure patient safety, the donated eyes are evaluated under strict medical standards.


Why should eyes be donated?

Donated human eyes are necessary in preservation and restoration of sight through corneal transplantation, research and education. More than 90% corneal transplant operation successfully restores vision in people suffering from blindness due to corneal problems. Infants born with cloudy corneas have an opportunity to see following corneal transplantation.


What is the cornea?

The cornea is the clear, transparent dome in front of the "black portion" of the eye. It is also the main focusing surface, which converges light rays as they enter the eye to focus on the retina. It is thus the most important part of the optical apparatus of the Eye. Loss of transparency directly results in loss of vision.


What is corneal Transplantation?

A Corneal transplant is an operation which replaces the opaque cornea with a clear cornea Obtained from a human donor eye.


How does a cornea become opaque?

Infection, Injuries, latrogenic (Malpractice, Improper Post-op, care after any eye surgery). Mainutrition, Congenital/Hereditary.


Magnitude of the problem in India

¼ of the world's blind live in India
27 million-moderate sight impairment
9 million - bilateral blind
260,000 - blind children
No of Corneal Blinds in India 4.6 Million.

90% are below the age of 45 years including 60% are below the age of 12 years.

Out of 4.6 Million, at least 3 Million can benefit by Corneal transplantation.


Who can be an eye donor?

Practically anybody from the age of 1 year. There is no maximum age limit. Poor eye sight and age make no difference. One can bequeath his eyes by taking a pledge while he is alive. He resolve to donate his eyes after his death. This by itself is a noble act but it requires relatives or friends to carry out his pledge, his desire, after his death.

Spectacle Wearers, persons who had cataract surgery, diabetics and hypertensives can donate eyes. The ultimate decision about usage for transplantation will be made after evaluation.


Can the next-of-kin consent to a donation if the deceased family member hasn't signed a pledge form?



How to donate?

You are authorized to donate the eyes of your beloved relatives at the time of their death. That the eyes to be collected within 6 hours of death. So, call the eye bank as early as possible after the death.


Things to do after making the call:

  1. Keep both eyes of deceased closed and convered with moist cotton.
  2. Switch off the overhead fan.
  3. If possible, instill antibiotic eye drops periodically in the deceased's eyes-to reduce the chance of infection.
  4. Raise the head end of the body by about 6 inches, if possible - to lessen the incidence of bleeding during the removal of the eyes.


Who cannot be a donor?

  • Death of unknown cause.
  • Death due to infectious caused viz. Rables, syphilis, infectious hepatitis, septicemia, and AIDS.


Is there any delay in funeral arrangements?

No, Eyes removal is performed shortly (within half an hour) after death and leaves no visible signs the would interfere with common funeral practices.


Is there religious conflict?

No, Donations gives a gift of life or sight to others. As such, it is consistent with beliefs and attitudes of all major religious and ethical traditions.


Can the whole eye be transplanted?

No, Only the cornea can be transplanted. However, the rest in part of the donor eye is used for research and education.


Can a person blind from retinal or optic nerve disease donate his eyes?

Yes, Provided the cornea is clear.


Can the recipients be told who donated the eyes?

No, The gift of sight is made anonymously.


Do cataracts or the use of spectacles render the corneas unfit?
No. Both these conditions relate to the lens of the eye and not the comea.


Does eye donation disfigure the donor’s face?
No. The removal of eyes does not produce disfigurement nor does it interfere with the customary funeral arrangements.


Does the human body reject the transplanted donor’s cornea?
Corneas do not have any direct blood supply so the risk of rejection is very low. Rejections, if they occur, can be suppressed by timely medication.


What conditions render the cornea unfit for donation?
Corneas of persons suffering form AIDS, jaundice, rabies, syphilis, tetanus, septicaemia, and viral diseases are considered unfit for donation.


What about diabetes or hypertension?
Even donors with these conditions can donate their eyes.


How will my donation be used?
After the eyes are removed, they will be evaluated, processed, screened and then supplied to the eye surgeon for transplant.


Is there any use for corneas which are for some reason unfit for transplant?
Corneas that, for technical reasons, are not used for vision restoring corneal transplants, are invaluable for research.


Do corneal transplants guarantee sight to all blind people?
No. Transplants only help when the loss of sight is solely due to corneal defect ant the rest of the eye’s mechanism is intact.


How quickly should eyes be removed after death?
As soon as possible, but eyes can be removed up to 6 hours after death. However, in places where the climate is hot, such as India, a shorter duration, preferably 2-4 hours is advisable.


What is an eye bank?
An eye bank is the link between the donor and recipient/eye surgeon. It is an organization recognized by the government to collect and distribute human eyes to those who require comea transplants.


How to donate eyes?
For donors:
  1. Write to your nearest eye bank and register your intention to donate your eyes i.e. ‘pledge’ your eyes. Though this step is not strictly necessary, it is useful to declare your intention.
  2. if the eye bank sends you a registration card, display prominently so that it will serve as a long term reminder for everyone.
  3. Discuss your intention of eye donation with your family doctor and relatives.
  4. 4. If you shift residence, record the address and telephone number of the eye bank nearest to your home. ;
For the donor’s relatives:
You have the authority and moral responsibility to donate the eyes of the deceased;
  • Get the vital death certificate quickly.
  • Contact your nearest eye bank as soon as possible the eye bank need not necessarily be the one where the donor had pledged his eyes
  • Close the eye lids
  • Cover the closed lids with moist cotton wool
  • Switch off the fan (Switch on the air conditioner if possible)
  • Raise the donor’s head by 6 inches by placing two pillows under it.
